Cartridge details

Name of cartridge
If different from the manufacturer, company that developed the software on the cartridge.
Does cartridge use the speech synthesyzer?
Multiple variations of this cartridge exist; Colors, label styles, etc.
Cartridge was available in these shell color variations
Cartridge was available in these label color variations
Maximum file size allowed: 2000 KB.
Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png
Maximum file size allowed: 2000 KB.
Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png
Maximum file size allowed: 2000 KB.
Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png
Maximum file size allowed: 2000 KB.
Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png
Maximum file size allowed: 2000 KB.
Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png
One of the greatest strategy games . . . even more fun computerized! To win: get as many disks of your 
color as possible on the board. But you've got to outflank your opponent by capturing a horizontal, 
vertical or diagonal row of his disks between yours . . . while he gets an avenging countermove each time. Easily 
learned . . . deceptively simple. 2 players, or 1 vs. the computer.

Maximum file size allowed: 4000 KB.
Allowed file types: txt, doc, docx, docm, odt, pdf, rtf ID
dbadmin510 5/9/2017 08:59:06 pm
0000-00-00 00:00:00
Record ID

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