Cartridge details

Name of cartridge
If different from the manufacturer, company that developed the software on the cartridge.
Does cartridge use the speech synthesyzer?
Multiple variations of this cartridge exist; Colors, label styles, etc.
Cartridge was available in these shell color variations
Cartridge was available in these label color variations
Maximum file size allowed: 2000 KB.
Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png
Maximum file size allowed: 2000 KB.
Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png
Maximum file size allowed: 2000 KB.
Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png
Maximum file size allowed: 2000 KB.
Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png
Maximum file size allowed: 2000 KB.
Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png
HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden
Millions of us spend weekends watching our favorite teams win or lose on the football field. An equal number may spend Monday mornings reliving the great plays or "second-guessing" the coach or quarterback on those plays that did not succeed. Now with the Football module, you can experience the fun and excitement of a football game at any time. And in this game, you are in charge! You plan the strategy and call the plays. While having fun playing, you can test (and improve) your skills as a "quarterback" or "coach". You don't have to be a football whiz to play and enjoy this game. We'll discuss the rules of the game and the choice of plays so anyone can easily learn to play and understand football. You and your opponent will become highly involved while playing Football with your computer because it actually simulates a live game. You are working against a scoreboard clock that operates on real time. Also you have a choice of plays used by actual teams, and the play results depend upon the combination of offensive and defensive plays chosen. The outcome of each play (as well as the number and timing of penalties and fumbles) is based on professional football statistics. Detailed probability tables — plus a luck factor — are built into this module to keep the play exciting and unpredictable from game to game.

Maximum file size allowed: 4000 KB.
Allowed file types: txt, doc, docx, docm, odt, pdf, rtf ID
dbadmin510 2/5/2017 04:53:10 pm
0000-00-00 00:00:00
Record ID

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